I'm in love with the English language. We have so many words that we don't know what to do with them. For example... When we need to use the restroom for prolonged periods of time, we proceed to "Take" a dump as opposed to "Leaving" one... which is what we're really doing. Sometimes we'll create similes to describe situations by comparison... apparently sometimes it can be "cold as hell".
With all of this confusion about words, I can see why it is that somebody could be confused by the phrase "Killer Whale".... when I hear that, I automatically think "loveable sea creature that doesn't mind being held captive from its natural habitat". Thus... Never in a million years would I have expected the loveable Shamu to go on a murderous rampage (I think 3 murders counts as a rampage). Not even if this wasn't the first time that something like this had occurred.... or even the second time...
Well let's define this strangely ambiguous word...
kill·er (klr)
1. One that kills: a disease that was a killer of thousands; a killer of new ideas.
2. Slang Something that is extremely difficult to deal with or withstand: an exam that was a real killer.
1. One that kills: a disease that was a killer of thousands; a killer of new ideas.
2. Slang Something that is extremely difficult to deal with or withstand: an exam that was a real killer.
1. Causing death or destruction: killer floods.
2. Slang Having impressive or effective power or impact; formidable: had a killer smile; made killer profits.
King's Law: If something is called a Killer... it probably kills muthafuckas.
The fact of the matter is you shouldn't fuck with anything that has the propensity to end your life. This "be ye warned" list should include but not be limited to:
• Killer Whales
• Killer Bees
• Serial Killers
• Killer Tofu
• Killer Pufferfish
• Dogs named Killer
• Killer Vick
• Killer OJ (as opposed to Football OJ)
• Jayson Williams
• The Police (if you're black)
Just food for thought... If Shamu could speak English I think he would be saying "I ain't a killer, but don't push me..."
1 comment:
killer post ~Z
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