Monday, July 27, 2009

The King's Law on Society: Promiscuity


So... I have an honest confession to make... I enjoy sex.

Now that we have gotten that out of the way... I feel I can be honest about others now.

We live in a very sexualized society. The concept that "sex sells" is nothing new, however it is now permeating into venues that were once sectioned off from its carnal influence. Now we got former Disney pop stars telling folks to "If You Seek Amy" (eff-u-see-k em-ee), current teenage Disney stars attempting to be sexy, Lil' Wayne using his daughter to convey how much he wants to fornicate with "Every Girl" (a song mentioning said teenage Disney star), and increasing wedlock childbirth rates that have turned a taboo topic into a TV Reality show (16 and Pregnant). Sex is still a selling point, so much so that now it doesn't hint at a lifestyle that was once expected to remain secret, it hints at a lifestyle that people would like to be more open to public acceptance... This includes anything from the fight for homosexual rights in America to women's fight with the sexually conservative public to feign disrepute as an effect of their sexual lives; the latter fight is what we will discuss today.

Women, or at least those women who would like to have the same degree of openness with their sexuality that men are afforded, have tried to force this issue by being honest about their sexuality (it's nature, it's preferences, it's frequency)... so much so that some don't care if you know who they are getting banged by right now... which is all fine and dandy, but if the people in your society "right"/write the "rules" on what is acceptable, and you are aware of the status quo... YOU CANNOT COMPLAIN WHEN YOUR ACTIONS ARE LABELED...
Promiscuity (n.) - miscellaneous mingling or selection of persons or things : indiscriminateness

So, the truth: Men have had and will forever have a strong reputation for being sexually promiscuous. However, we live in a society that has and seems to forever will forgive this as a natural occurrence as opposed to a sequence of bad decisions. To illustrate my larger point, I'll have to begin my discussion by explaining evolutionary psychology...

Evolution, for those of you living under rocks or are too religious to learn about it, is the THEORY that over time any species will adapt genetically to better survive in their environments. This is evidenced by the THEORY of "natural selection" in which individuals within a species will choose to only mate with those who will produce healthy (well-equipped to survive) offspring.

Even if you don't believe in evolution, you have to recognize that this THEORY of natural selection makes perfect sense. It's the reason why people date people who are attractive them... every feature that gets evaluated and judged are subconsciously ingrained as requisites for suitable mating.... facial features, hair quality, hairiness, height, muscle build, potential for obesity, genetically inherited disease potential, intelligence, inhibition and impulse control... all qualities that a mate would like to have us much control over when choosing the traits of their children and the individual who will help raise them.

The issue with humanity is that we are so "intelligent" that we have concluded that it is beneficial to use sex as an agent of dual functionality: procreation and enjoyment. Intelligence is reference here because as human we've determined that the one of the most intelligent non-human species would be the dolphin, (correct me if i'm wrong) the only other known creature to have sex for non reproductive reasons.

This is where "intelligence" gets somewhat nonsensical in relation to evolutionary psychology. As a society, we have pushed sexuality to a point we rely on scientific achievements (prophylactics and other forms of contraception) in order to divert the true purpose of sexual activity... so much so now that the purposeful result of sex, reproduction, is(now more so than not) an unwanted consequence of the action... Society is in the process of trying to understand sex to be more than what it is actually intended for, and as a result places a significance upon it that exceeds its substance.

**The true end to this is that the action that is intended to produce life is now manufacturing discomfort/death (via STDs), and society is trying catch up with its own destructive choices by finding cures for the sexually spread plagues.**
Thus, even though it is not right that men have a variety of sexual partners overtime, it does correlate with the sexual behavior of a healthy breeding animal (I guess this is why women like to call men DOGS... which always bothers me because inference leads me to believe that "Dogs" only have sex with "Bitches", in the literal since at least). Women on the other hand, the gatekeepers of breeding, are supposed to choose the most suitable partner after observing what ever existing mating rituals, which for humans includes courting, talking, spitting game, establishing familiarity, etc. (ultimately - dating). Even while having non-reproductive sex this had been a standard in our society because the risk of pregnancy was significant enough to make natural selection of sexual partners more discriminating.

In short, people used to care who they were having sex with. This meant that the supply of sex from females was shorter than the demand... some dude technically shouldn't be getting any... of course our intelligence has also allowed a barter system that monetizes the value of the sexual experience, prostitution - if you can't prove you deserve it, go out and buy it.
The truth of about WHOREs

Waged Helpers of Open Relation Ejaculation - they get paid to do what most will do for free, yet it comes free of commitment, no strings attached... it's the oldest profession in the world, it's foolish to think this is ever going away. Beyond the religious aspect of it being a career rooted in sin, prostitution is shunned by society because it contributes to actions that produce an unmarriageable society... male or female, nobody wants to marry anybody who has been overly promiscuous.

However, with procreation on the backburner, what women are really competing for is their right to exclusive partnership. In order to have a competitive advantage over the WHOREs, they offer sex earlier in the relationship and this TEMPORARILY keeps their partner's attention... that is until people came along that didn't need the WAGES or the RELATIONSHIP... drop the W and the R... what do you get? HOEs.

HOE is the label for the individual whose purpose in society is to Help Others Ejaculate... this is a key reason why the term is somewhat exclusive to females, because promiscuous males aren't necessarily helping others get off... they're getting themselves off. While HOEs might enjoy sex, what HOEs are really doing is providing sex for others to enjoy... at least WHOREs get paid to do this...

Have you ever met somebody who is very sexually active? so much to the point that they don't even always enjoy it, they're simply doing it to keep somebody else's attention? I think those are the real HOEs, the ones who are completely indiscriminant in their sexual life... but the word is used to label a larger group than just these women... some women are called HOEs when they're just sexually liberated and the make their decisions similar to how men make theirs... this is okay right?

From a male-chauvenist point of view, NO... but I actually don't think it to be much of a problem personally... It's actually the other women who have a problem with it. Women are much quicker to label another woman a HOE than a man is (another reason why the word is reserved for them and not men). Women are so competitive and at times feel entitled to what they desire so much so that they will HATE on other women and malign their reputations... the sad thing is, most women don't want to be HOEs but they want to be in the HOEs' shoes. Women, more so than men, determine how much promiscuity will get you labeled a HOE... if it's not vindictive women in competition for the men in question, then it's the women that are already in that man's life - their mother, sister, aunt, grandmother... If you are loose, you will never meet their standard.
So what does this all mean?

I'm writing these rules, but I don't write these rules, I just observe what they are... promiscuity is NOT something to be pursue in order to drive a message of social gender equality into people's heads... that is a surefire way of having them discredit anything in your message to begin with. Even if you're the type of HOE who enjoys what you do, at the end of the day if you can be considered a HOE rather than a companion, something is wrong.

Women could actually run this world if they knew how much power they had... and not just sexual power (although the rest may stem from that), women have the ultimate power of persuasion... if they came together, they could have the world believing that open sexuality is the way all of us should live... but that will never happen. As quickly as a woman will stand up to declare her sexual liberty, another one will call her out of her name and tell that HOE to sit down.

While our intelligence has provided us venues to entertain and utilize the existence of HOEs, it has also provided barriers to ensure HOEs aren't viewed in high regard. Not only is it the (somewhat, if not blatantly oppressive) standard of acceptable womanhood that men have projected, but its the standards that women promote for themselves as well.

I guess the question really is... are we as a society too harsh on labeling HOEs, or not harsh enough?



Anonymous said...

i haven't gotten to read all of this as i'm @ work, but once i finish i'm sure i'll have a more relevant comment...BUT britney spears sings that song & wayne references miley cyrus ;-)

Resilient Lone Sweetie said...

This is quite funny. While at the same time sad but true.

I used to think in circles about the hoe's plight, how it could be conidered and how a woman could liberate herself and not have to deal with the backlash of society. But oh well. Charge it to the game.

The best thing that a woman can do (in those circumstances) is build her status up and be the "desireable" exclusive hoe. (Perhaps exclusive in terms of only being promiscus with people with similar tax standing, fame, popularity, talent ect) That way her current status would help her to offstand some of the backlash she shall receive while the exclusivity factor will help some people justify it since they won't be able to say anything about it since they weren't "good enough" for a hoe.